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Targeted net returns to investors of 9% to 11%

Aion Pacific provides experienced wholesale and sophisticated investors with the opportunity to generate strong returns secured by real estate.


We are a private debt investment management firm which originates and manages conservatively geared high quality real estate secured SME and Mid-Market business loans.  Our fund is active in metro & regional areas of Australia to deploy institutional and private investor capital.

Our industry contacts and experience built up over many years allow us to bring you the best investment opportunities with attractive risk adjusted returns.

Our investors trust us to seek out high quality investments which means we reject many borrowing applications that don't meet our conservative approach. 

Unlike other private debt firms, our management team has years of prior experience in restructuring in Australia and internationally.  This gives us a superior ability to analyse and structure loans.  


Australian City View

Secured loans to property investment businesses supported by registered mortgages over real estate (office, industrial, hotel, etc).

Laser Cutting

Secured loans to trading businesses (medical, manufacturing, consumer services, etc) supported by real estate security (commercial, industrial and residential).

Crane lifting on construction site

Secured loans to developers to acquire sites and fund construction.  Sites are typically de-risked with development approvals, marketing and early pre-sales in place.

Disclaimer: This website and any other documents supplied by Aion Pacific and its associates or related entities does not constitute financial product advice and is provided for information purposes only.  All information is factual in nature and should not be taken as general or personal advice.  All web pages and documents have been prepared without taking into account any investors objectives, financial situation or needs and do not constitute any offer or invitation to invest nor are they intended to provide any recommendation or opinion about any potential investment.

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